Sunday, June 3, 2012

Supplement Review #2: Honey Stinger Organic Energy Chews (Pomegranate Passion Fruit)

Image Courtesy of

The nutrition facts on Honey Stinger chews:

Calories: 160
Fat: 0 g
Sodium: 80 mg (3%)
Carbohydrates: 39 g
    Sugars: 24 g

For what it's worth, the chews also have a gram of protein and 100% of your DV of Vitamin C.  The biggest appeal of Honey Stinger, for me, is that all their products are organic.  I'm not one of those snooty I-only-eat-organic people, but I like to eat as naturally as possible.  I ate these before an 8 mile run and felt great for the entire run, even on a relatively warm day.  They're absolutely delicious, and while they have more sugar than Gu, I didn't think they tasted nearly as sweet as Gu does.  They also have more calories and more carbs, which is great for longer lasting energy.  When I did this 8 mile run, I actually started at one trail (which I hadn't run before), got a little nervous being out in the woods by myself after a mile, turned around and ran the mile back, then drove 15 minutes to another trail and ran the last 6.2.  Despite that lull in between, I felt great, even on a hot and pretty humid day, through the end of the run.  They taste absolutely delicious, too.  I'm still not sure how I'd do in eating these in the middle of the run, as I've only ever had Gu in the midst of a run, so I'll have to give that a try.  One slight drawback: they tend to be more expensive than the other energy gels.  However, I highly recommend these chews.

Taste/Consistency: 5/5
Effectiveness: 5/5
Duration: 5/5

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